U.S. refined products

Cenovus is an integrated oil and refined product company that produces and sells gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel throughout the Midwestern United States. Our distribution spans Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, supported by a network of over 50 terminal locations across seven states. With refineries in Ohio and Wisconsin and a wealth of industry experience, we ensure consistent, large-scale supply of quality petroleum products.

Our products

Cenovus produces multiple fuel types, including gasoline, diesel, jet and marine fuels and can connect customers to over 50 petroleum products through our extended sales team.

  • Details on our products

    Gasoline and diesel fuel Cenovus sells both conventional and ethanol blended gasoline grades, and diesel fuels for road use and home heating.

    Gasoline and diesel product descriptions

    Commercial and military-grade jet fuel Lima Refinery has the capability to produce Commercial (Jet A/Jet A1) grade aviation fuels.

    Benzene is used in the production of other industrial chemicals that make plastics and resins, and nylon and synthetic fibres. Benzene produced at the Lima Refinery is used to make some types of rubbers, lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides.

    Butane and Butylenes Mix (BBM) is primarily a feedstock in refineries with alkylation units for making gasoline. It is used as a blending component with gasoline blendstocks.

    Decanted Oil (DCO) is a valuable solvent used in the Lima Refinery’s hydrotreating unit for controlling carbon solids.

    Petroleum Coke is a solid residue of almost-pure carbon that remains after heavy oil fractions are cracked to produce lighter hydrocarbons. The Lima Refinery produces anode-grade petroleum coke, which is calcined (a thermal process) to remove the volatile fraction to make carbon blocks, and then is used as an anode in the production of aluminum. The coke is transported by truck and railcar to markets.

    Propane, Butane, Isobutane and other Natural Gas Liquids – Cenovus manages proprietary and third-party volumes of propane, butane, isobutane and other natural gas liquids.

    Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Mix is acquired and sold for processing and subsequent sale as specification products (propane and butanes). Sales and purchases of all products are made on a spot, monthly or term contract basis.

    Propylene is a major commodity in the petrochemicals industry. It is used as a building block in producing polypropylene products ranging from rope to clothing. Propylene is also used in the production of industrial chemicals including acetone, and as a fuel gas in industry.

    Sulfur – The majority of the sulfur Cenovus produces and sells is converted to sulfuric acid (H2SO4), the most common industrial chemical produced in the U.S. Sulfuric acid is mainly used in the production of phosphate fertilizer, in metal leaching applications and the production of various chemicals.

    Toluene is a common solvent used to remove paint, silicon sealant, glues and adhesives, and lacquers. It is used in the manufacturing of polyurethane foam and explosives, and as a petrochemical feedstock and an octane enhancer. It is used within the Lima Refinery to make gasoline.

    Transmix is a byproduct of refinery operations. It is created by mixing different products, usually gasoline and diesel fuel, during pipeline transportation. At transmix processing plants, it is separated into products such as unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel.

Contact us

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Refinery and terminal locations

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Get in touch with us
For more information about our fuel pick up or delivery options, contact our fuel consultants or view our map of refineries and terminals.
Safety data sheets
Our Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide detailed health and safety information for materials that Cenovus produces, uses, stores, transports and sells.
Our history
Learn more about Cenovus’s acquisition of Husky Energy making the combined company the second largest Canadian oil and natural gas producer and the second largest Canadian-based refiner and upgrader.