Market indicators

The below are benchmark prices and margins for select products and do not reflect actual realized prices or margins for Cenovus, which may vary significantly depending on available feedstock and particular refinery configuration.

Selected Average Benchmark Prices(1)

Crude Oil Prices (US$/bbl) July Q2 Q1
Dated Brent 85.31 84.94 83.24
West Texas Intermediate ("WTI") @ Cushing 80.48 80.57 76.96
Differential Dated Brent - WTI
4.83 4.37 6.28
Western Canadian Select ("WCS") @ Hardisty 67.48 66.96 57.65
Differential - WTI-WCS
13.00 13.61 19.31
Condensate (C5 @ Edmonton) 76.32 77.14 72.78
Differential – Condensate-WTI premium/(discount)
(4.16) (3.43) (4.18)

Refining Benchmarks (US$/bbl)(2) July Q2 Q1
Chicago 3-2-1 Crack Spread 21.46 18.76 17.45
Group 3 3-2-1 Crack Spread 19.02 18.13 17.50
Renewable Identification Numbers ("RINs") 4.06 3.39 3.68
Weighted Average Crack Spread, Net of RINs 16.93 15.25 13.78

Refined product prices (US$/bbl) July Q2 Q1
Chicago Regular Unleaded Gasoline ("RUL") 101.51 99.09 89.48
Chicago Ultra-low Sulphur Diesel ("ULSD") 102.80 99.80 104.27

Natural Gas Prices July Q2 Q1
AECO(3) (C$/Mcf) 0.98 1.18 2.50
NYMEX (US$/Mcf) 2.63 1.89 2.24

Foreign Exchange Rate July Q2 Q1
US$ per C1$ Average 0.729 0.731 0.741

(1) This table shows selected market benchmark prices and an average exchange rate to assist in understanding our financial results. This information will be updated monthly and may be subject to error.
(2) The 3-2-1 crack spread is an indicator of the refining margin generated by converting three barrels of crude oil into two barrels of regular unleaded gasoline and one barrel of ultra-low sulphur diesel using current month WTI based crude oil feedstock prices and on a last in, first out accounting basis (“LIFO”).
(3) AECO refers to the AECO 5A natural gas daily index.