Financial results & reports

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Quarterly results

Second quarter: for the period ending June 30, 2024

News Release
  • 2024
  • Archive
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  • 2024
  • Archive
English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
T3 T2 T1
États financiers consolidés
Rapport de gestion

These documents are archived and are for reference or recordkeeping purposes only. They have not been altered or updated after the date of archiving and may not be accurate or reflective of Cenovus’s views or current methodologies employed.

2023 quarterly results

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
French   T3 T2 T1
États financiers consolidés  
Rapport de gestion  

2022 quarterly results

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
French   T3 T2 T1
États financiers consolidés  
Rapport de gestion  

2021 quarterly results

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
French   T3 T2 T1
États financiers consolidés  
Rapport de gestion  

2020 quarterly results

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
French T3 T2 T1
États financiers consolidés
Rapport de gestion
Current presentations

Learn more about our company strategy, financial framework and operations through our corporate presentation. For more detailed updates, view our presentations & events scheduled throughout the year.

Board of directors
Get to know the Board of Directors here.
Our stories

Learn about Cenovus, including our operations, technology development and our community involvement. Read our stories.

Annual reports

Annual documents

  • 2023
  • Archive
Filter by:
  • 2023
  • Archive
Financial documents English French
2023 Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Annual Information Form
Management Information Circular
Form 40-F

Non-financial documents English French
2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report  
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA  
ESTMA Annual Report (Natural Resources Canada prescribed format)  
Modern Slavery Report
Community investment summary report  

These documents are archived and are for reference or recordkeeping purposes only. They have not been altered or updated after the date of archiving and may not be accurate or reflective of Cenovus’s views or current methodologies employed.

2022 annual documents

Documents English French
2022 Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Annual Information Form
Management Information Circular
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA  
ESTMA Annual Report (Natural Resources Canada prescribed format)  
Form 40-F

2021 annual documents

Documents English French
2021 Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Annual Information Form
Management Information Circular
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA  
ESTMA Annual Report (Natural Resources Canada prescribed format)  
Form 40-F

2020 annual documents

Documents English French
2020 Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Annual Information Form
Management Information Circular
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA  
ESTMA Annual Report (Natural Resources Canada prescribed format)  
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA (Husky)  
Form 40-F
XBRL (zip file)

2019 annual documents

Documents English French
2019 Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements
Supplemental Information
Management's Discussion and Analysis
Annual Information Form
Management Information Circular
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA  
ESTMA Annual Report (Natural Resources Canada prescribed format)  
Fostering Transparency - ESTMA (Husky)  
Form 40-F
XBRL (zip file)

Archived analyst preview notes

Cenovus started compiling analyst preview notes in the fourth quarter of 2014. These notes provide an overview of important items that have been previously disclosed by Cenovus.

  • 2024
  • Archive
Filter by:
  • 2024
  • Archive
English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Analyst preview note

These documents are archived and are for reference or recordkeeping purposes only. They have not been altered or updated after the date of archiving and may not be accurate or reflective of Cenovus’s views or current methodologies employed.

2023 documents

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Analyst preview note

2022 documents

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Analyst preview note

2021 documents

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Analyst preview note

2020 documents

English Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Analyst preview note


  • Cenovus began independent operations on December 1, 2009 when Encana Corporation split into two distinct companies: one an oil company (Cenovus), the other a natural gas company (Encana). Learn more about pre-split information.

Copies of our audited Consolidated Financial Statements are available to shareholders upon request, free of charge. Copies of these documents may be obtained by emailing